Goldfaden MD Doctors Scrub Review

Nov 20

Goldfaden MD Doctors Scrub “better than a diamond in the rough”.

GoldFaden MD Doctors Scrub.

Goldfaden MD is a brand that catches my eye and that doesn’t happen often (!) – there was something different and unique about the products that lured me into the company. Now if you’re a fan of face scrubs/exfoliators (like me!) then get ready to meet your new best friend!

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Proactiv Plus

Oct 28

Meet the new and improved Proactiv Plus!

Proactiv Plus.

Spots, zits, blemishes and acne all fall under the same umbrella that millions of us suffer from every single day, some people are very lucky and get that odd spot once a month but unfortunately, there are sufferers in the world like myself that get the pesky things daily.

High street shops are flooded with anti-spot washes, gels, creams and lotions that truly makes me wonder how on earth can a customer decide on what product/brand to trust? There are so many harsh products lurking on those dusty shelfs and unfortunately you are a target of those products.

But rest assure! Help is at hand with the latest innovation from Proactiv, introducing Proactiv+. Thats right, the makers of Proactiv Katie Rodan, M.D and Kathy Fields, M.D have been cooking up a new recipe and have taken the old formulation of Proactiv to the next level. Well, Proactiv was first released in 1995 as a subscription basis only – I do think it’s about time for a little upgrade, don’t you?

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Kadalys Musaclean Peeling Banana Exfoliant

Aug 19



Kadalys Musaclean Peeling Exfoliant

Banana extract is an ingredient you don’t normally find in your usual beauty products, we are told that eating a banana a day is highly beneficial for our healths, rumour has it that rubbing the outside skin from a banana onto the face helps acne, I must admit I haven’t tried this interesting method but anything that claims to get rid of those angry spots I’m the first in the queue.

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Pure Chimp Super Cleanser

Jul 25

Founded by Dean Legg in 2013, based in Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom. Pure Chimp brings 100% uniqueness to the skin care industry, adopting a natural approach and having fun whilst using the products.   Be creative with your cleanser with Pure Chimp Super Cleanser; this clay-dougn like consistency allows you to control the amount of product you choose to use, not like any old pump dispenser that dispenses

Estee Lauder Clear Difference Advanced Blemish Serum

Jun 4

ESTeE LAUDER CLEAR DIFFERENCE ADVANCED BLEMISH SERUM RANGE, THEIR FIRST TREATMENT FOR BLEMISHES AND BREAKOUTS. Just because you’re hitting adulthood doesn’t mean those unwanted teenage spots magically disappear out of your life, I’m afraid that isn’t that case. Spots can actually occur at any age, even if you never suffered from spots when you was

Along Came Betty

May 13

A new beautiful, exciting, 1950’s inspired range has recently hit the selves of Tesco’s. With bright pink and yellow packaging and catchy, witty phrases ‘Along Came Betty’ is the perfect audience for any age women. I was lucky enough to be sent two products from the range which were the Detox Mask and De-Stress Face Scrub.